A Site for my skins that I'm going to be creating. It's a skinning site :)
Published on December 8, 2005 By pailhead In Skinning
Will Bootskin ever be updated to support higher rez bootskins? I thought I remember reading that BootSkin was going to support up to 1024x768. Is this going to happen at any point?



on Dec 08, 2005
I don't see how this could be, since the Windows boot screen only comes in 640x480...?
on Dec 08, 2005
I don't know if it can.. but I remember seeing on Stardocks site long ago when it first came out that eventually there'd be higher rez capability.
on Dec 08, 2005
Would be nice

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Dec 09, 2005
I caught a glimpse of Brad's SDC with BootSkin Plus in it on a WB5 Beta Preview Screenshot.
on Dec 09, 2005
Sweet so it's going to happen.. that's awesome!
on Dec 09, 2005
color? 256? 512? ...8?
on Dec 09, 2005
According to the screenshot posted by Brad it was "High Color",maybe 16 bits
on Dec 09, 2005
on Dec 09, 2005
finally we might have descent looking bootskins.. that'll be nice.
on Dec 09, 2005
There is a high colour 1024x768 version which was created a good while ago. It looks great when working, but my understanding of why it was never released was that it wasn't possible to make it fully compatible with the video cards/systems out there and therefore it was anticipated that a huge amount of support would have been required which couldn't be justified on a free product.